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After Fight, Thai Sorcerer Tattoist was Under Arrest

In Article on November 7, 2012 at 2:35 pm

In North West  Thailand, Police arrested  a Thai Sorcerer Tattoist and his followers because of the fight . His followers believe that talismanic tattoo made them invincible and undefeatable.

Boonyong Luangjumpol was arrested because the police found the weapon in his house after the fight in Kalasin Province.

Thai Sorcerer Tattooist

Thai Sorcerer Tattooist was arrested after the fight.

Luangjumpol was well known as a love potion maker. Besides,  many boys knew him as a sorcerer with talismanic tattoo arts and they believed that his tattoo art could make them bullet and blade proof.

The boys fought with sticks and knife because they wanted to test whether the  magical function of tattoo really worked.

Police reported that every boy who got involved in the fight got injured. The police ransacked the tattooist sorcerer’s house in relation to the fight and found some blades and other weapons.


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